Kendellhurst Academy's character building program comes out of the virtues project. This is a cross cultural study of common virtues found in societies from around the globe. The project focuses on respect, kindness and integrity as essential in the development of progressively minded social groupings. The virtues project is a tool to foster excellence in children and ourselves.
Our teachers present the virtues within their weekly activities in a fun and approachable manner. Each classroom and teacher will take a unique approach dependent on the age and cognitive/emotive/social capabilities of the children. For example, the kindergarten teachers may present mini-lessons at circle time to encourage a better or deeper understanding of the virtue-of-the week, while the Junior Classroom teachers will simply role model the virtue. Our grade school teachers incorporate the virtues into their daily curriculum (from journal writing and cultural studies to art projects) as a holistic and infused aspect of the curriculum. There are fifty two virtues in total, allowing us to plan a week-by-week curriculum. As your child progresses through our preschool, the virtues will be repeated each year in order to reinforce and foster a deeper understanding of human goodness.
The virtue-of-the-week along with a detailed description will be posted on the parent bulletin board for you on a weekly basis. We encourage you to speak the virtues language in order to reinforce our classroom and school wide project.
Together we will build a stronger community and up-coming generations!
Paula Carrasco-Kendell, Hon. B.A., B. Ed., (OCT), M.A.T., M. Ed., School Owner-Director/Principal
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