Measures in Place for our Safe and Comfortable Back-to-School:
- 5 days-a-week in-person program within cohorts;
- small cohorts with dedicated classrooms per cohort;
- physical distancing measures in place;
- regular and enhanced cleaning schedules;
- screening practices in place;
- separate JK bubble with its own screening entrance point;
- separate safe school entrance points for SK to Grade 3 and Grades 4-8 students;
- Grades 5-8 students all have school issued chrome books and use Google Classroom;
- defined work spaces for each student;
- all faculty provided with PPE and rigid screening in place;
- faculty training on student anxiety provided and on-going;
- strict cleaning and sanitization practices and checklists in place, including outdoor equipment;
- child friendly and hospital grade cleaning products in-use (no harsh chemicals);
- hand sanitizer in all classrooms, offices and hallways;
- cleansing wash at all screening stations and available in each classroom;
- separate outdoor areas with staggered recesses/lunch periods;
- school community agreement in place for safe school context;
- caring and highly trained faculty on COVID-19 protocols and procedures;
- alternative learning program for students with symptoms-of-illness not in school;
- fun and engaging virtual field trips through classroom Digital Interactive Displays;
- cohort clubs for fun afterschool activities;
- virtual - assemblies, student art galleries, parent with teacher conferences, coffee hours with admin, etc.
- mask-to-mask time with teachers at student pick-up for school connections;
- Plus more to keep our community safe!
- 5 days-a-week Remote Learning - 4 periods-a-day with structured program (supplied workbooks and materials package) - is offered during government closure periods only.
Distance Learning: